full And New Moon Cacao Ceremony

Ceremony is about intention and presence. You can create ceremony in any moment for greater understanding. Join the circle to bring sacred ceremony into your life with cacao medicine. We use the ancient recipe of cacao to quiet the mind, open the heart and listen to our higher guidance.

The magick of the moon and the power of the cacao amplify our intentions. I’m looking forward to sharing a container and holding space with all who are inspired to create something new! Come join us in person at the Davenport, FL location or on Zoom.

Investments are:

$30 in person (I provide cacao) or $21 on Zoom (you provide cacao)

Please register by 5:00pmET the day before ceremony by submitting the form to receive payment options by email. If joining us via Zoom, the link will be provided after payment is processed.

We look forward to your presence!